Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dee's Top 10 Boys

Yeh I'm a little bit sexist. I believe women are the superior gender. Is there a problem?
Still I might be sexist but I'm fair. And it wouldn't be fair for me to leave out the special guys in my life. So here they are...

#10. David - Husband of Shamim, luxury goods is this Londoner's business. He's very posh and proper with lots of knowledge about the finer things in life. Still he can hang with the rest of us as he raps flawlessly to Eminem (his favorite rapper). A great chef and a savvy businessman, he's the most gentlemanly gentleman I know.

#9. Ian - Also British. Likes to make music and poke fun at me in his spare time =) Able to put a room of people at ease, he makes an awesome MC. He captures your attention when he speaks and gives really good speeches whenever he's asked... or not asked. He's the most charismatic man that I know.

#8. Sam - Fluent in Japanese and half Filipino, he provides much comfort to me being one of the few black professionals in Japan. Unfortunately he got relocated to London... well I guess not so unfortunately because I've been invited to visit. YaY. Anyway he'll be back. His heart is Japanese and Japan misses him. He's the jazziest kat I know.

#7. Roger - Yes this is my manager... well my ex-manager now. But I felt like I hit the jackpot with him as a manager. I regard him as my dad away from home. Born and raised on a farm in New Zealand he has an endless stock of amazing and funny stories. He's the zaniest grown man that I know.

#6. Borre - From the land of Norway, this guy is afraid to fly. hehehe, ok that's not funny. He cracks me up all the time. His humor isn't of the obvious kind but I totally get him and he totally gets me. He let's me pinch his cheeks although he doesn't particularly enjoy it. He's the most laid back guy that I know.

#5. Jason - Also fluent in Japanese and also a black professional in Japan, I look up to this guy. (and not just because he's tall). He's a networking phenomenon, he knows everyone and everyone wants to know him. His jokes are loud and his laugh is infectious. He's the jolliest guy that I know.

#4. Brandon - He is all geek and all good. Incredibly smart and inquisitive, he can be very annoying. But we enjoy exchanging witty or downright silly banter inside and outside of the office. He is the "most likely to succeed" person I know.

#3. Simon - Husband of Ing. He's one of those guys that can do anything he puts his mind to. He's a wonderful artist, loves technology, has a great eye for interior design, and very good with all things that involves mathematics and puzzles. He's one of my hiking buddies and the most versatile person I know.

#2. Abdus - Born in Mauritius and raised in London. I love his Londoner blue collar accent. Because he's Muslim he's the worst restaurant companion. His religion restricts him from a lot of the fun foods and his fitness kick restricts him from all of the rest. He did eat cake on my birthday though! shocking! He's the fittest person that I know.

# 1. Justin - Australian guy. Took me a looong time to warm up to him and look what position he's turned up on today. He has a passion for wine and Japanese ladies hehe. I've welcomed him into my inner circle of friends as he's become one of my top advisers - one who's opinion I value (even when I disagree). He has the most upright posture that I've ever seen.

THESE are my guys.